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Yang, Wei-Yan (Yang, Wei-Yan.) | Wu, Hong-Chun (Wu, Hong-Chun.) (Scholars:吴宏春) | Cao, Liang-Zhi (Cao, Liang-Zhi.) | Liu, Qing-Jie (Liu, Qing-Jie.)

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The radial power distribution in the fuel cell and the continuous-energy spectrums in the fuel cell with a temperature distribution are obtained by the wavelets scaling function expansion method. Wave-lets scaling function expansion continuous-energy self-shielding method is developed, in order to solve the nuclide resonance problem with multiple resonances in complicate geometry. It has been validated and verified by comparison to Monte Carlo calculations. In this method, the continuous-energy cross-sections are processed by NJOY, while the multi-group nuclear data library is jeff31 issued by IAEA. However, for different temperature problems, because of Doppler effect, the continuous-energy data library is different, and should be updated by applying NJOY. The calculation efficiency is a problem needed to be improved. There-fore, in this paper, the interpolation is utilized to obtain the continuous-energy cross-sections for other temperatures between those given temperatures. Also the precision of the temperature interpolation is discussed. Finally, the differences of continuous-energy spectrums, reaction rates and kinfresults are presented and compared with MCNP calculation.


Calculation efficiency Monte Carlo calculation Multiple resonances Nuclear data library Radial power distributions Scaling functions Self-shielding calculation Temperature interpolations

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Yang, Wei-Yan;Wu, Hong-Chun;Cao, Liang-Zhi;Liu, Qing-Jie]School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

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Source :

Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering

ISSN: 0258-0926

Year: 2010

Issue: SUPPL. 2

Volume: 31

Page: 9-15

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30 Days PV: 5

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